
Module Contents



Provides an Html-Table which allows for row selections.


Provides kind of MVC on top of SelectTable.

class vi.widgets.table.SelectTable(checkboxes=False, indexes=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: flare.ignite.Table

Provides an Html-Table which allows for row selections.

Parent widgets can register for certain events:

  • selectionChanged: called if the current _multi_ selection changes. (Ie the user

    holds ctrl and clicks a row). The selection might contain no, one or multiple rows. Its also called if the cursor moves. Its called if the user simply double clicks a row. So its possible to receive a selectionActivated event without an selectionChanged Event.

  • selectionActivated: called if a selection is activated, ie. a row is double-clicked or Return

    is pressed.

  • cursorMoved: called when the currently active row changes. The user can select the current row

    with a single click or by moving the cursor up and down using the arrow keys.

setHeader(self, headers)

Sets the table-headers to ‘headers’ :param headers: list of strings :type headers: list

getTrByIndex(self, idx)

Retrieves the TR element by the given row number :param idx: Rownumber to retrieve the tr of :type idx: int :returns: HTMLTableRowElement

getIndexByTr(self, tr)

Returns the rowNumber for the given tr element or None if the given tr element is invalid. :param tr: A HTMLTableRowElement of this table :type tr: HTMLTableRowElement :returns: int or None

_rowForEvent(self, event)

Determines the row number for the given event

onChange(self, event)
onMouseDown(self, event)
onMouseOut(self, event)
onMouseUp(self, event)
onKeyDown(self, event)
onKeyUp(self, event)
onDblClick(self, event)
addSelectedRow(self, row)

Marks a row as selected

removeSelectedRow(self, row)

Removes ‘row’ from the current selection (if any) :param row: Number of the row to unselect :type row: int

selectRow(self, newRow)

Sets the current selection to ‘row’. Any previous selection is removed. :param newRow: Number of the row to select :type newRow: int

setCursorRow(self, row, removeExistingSelection=True)

Move the cursor to row ‘row’. If removeExistingSelection is True, the current selection (if any) is invalidated.

focusRow(self, row)

Returns a list of currently selected row-numbers :returns: list


Hook the clear() method so we can reset some internal states, too

removeRow(self, row)

Hook the removeRow method so we can reset some internal states, too

prepareCol(self, row, col)

Lets hook up the original removeRow function to optionally provide index and checkbox columns.

setCell(self, row, col, val)

Interface for self[“cell”] that directs to the correct cell if extra columns are configured for this SelectTable.


Selects all entries of the table.


Unselects all entries of the table.


Inverts the current selection on the whole table currently displayed.

class vi.widgets.table.DataTable(_loadOnDisplay=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: flare.html5.Div

Provides kind of MVC on top of SelectTable.

recalcHeight(self, *args, **kwargs)
setDataProvider(self, obj)

Register’s ‘obj’ as the provider for this table. It must provide a onNextBatchNeeded function, which must fetch and feed new rows using add() or reset the dataProvider to None if no more rows are available. Notice: If the bottom of the table is reached, onNextBatchNeeded will only be called once. No further calls will be made until add() or setDataProvider() has been called afterwards.

onCursorMoved(self, table, row)

Ensure the table scrolls according to the position of its cursor


Returns the total amount of rows currently known. :returns: int

add(self, obj)

Adds an row to the model :param obj: Dictionary of values for this row :type obj: dict

extend(self, objList)

Adds multiple rows at once. Much faster than calling add() multiple times.


Test if we display enough entries so that our contents are scrollable. Otherwise, we’ll never request a second batch

remove(self, objOrIndex)

Removes ‘obj’ from the table. ‘obj’ may be an row-index or an object recieved by any eventListener. It _cannot_ be any original object passed to ‘add’ - it _must_ be recived by an eventListener!

clear(self, keepModel=False)

Flushes the whole table.

_renderObject(self, obj, tableIsPrepared=False)

Renders the object to into the table. Does nothing if the list of _shownFields is empty. :param obj: Dictionary of values for this row :type obj: dict


Rebuilds the entire table. Useful if something fundamental changed (ie. the cell renderer or the list of visible fields)

setShownFields(self, fields)

Sets the list of _shownFields. This causes the whole table to be rebuild. Be careful if calling this function often on a large table! :param fields: List of model-keys which will be displayed. :type fields: list

onScroll(self, event)

Check if we got a scroll event and need to fetch another set of rows from our dataProvider

onSelectionChanged(self, table, rows, *args, **kwargs)

Re-emit the event. Maps row-numbers to actual models.

onSelectionActivated(self, table, rows)

Re-emit the event. Maps row-numbers to actual models.

onTableChanged(self, table, rowCount, *args, **kwargs)

Re-emit the event.


Override the getCurrentSelection method to yield actual models, not row-numbers.

setCellRender(self, field, render)

Sets the render for cells of ‘field’ to render. A cell render receives the data for a given cell and returns the appropriate widget to display that data for the table.

setCellRenders(self, renders)

Like setCellRender, but sets multiple renders at one. Much faster than calling setCellRender repeatedly.


Emits the selectionActivated event if there’s currently a selection